Until Death Do Us Part

Until Death Do Us Part

Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu Made, UDDUP
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Until Death Do Us Part

Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu Made, UDDUP
A girl named Haruka Tōyama happens to be in the care of a certain company because she can see the future, but she wants to get away, so using her abil ...lities she finds a blind though strong man and asks him to help her as a body guard 'til death do them part. The man, named Mamoru Hijikata, quickly dismiss her request as a joke from a small 12 year old kid, only to realize what shady business has beginning to unfold when people willing to do anything are desperately searching for the girl. As she predicted, Mamoru has vast experience in shady business himself, and will not be pushed around easily by any criminal.... Is 'protection' the only reason that Haruka approached Mamoru? Or could it be something else?
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