
Akagi Erika is a classical literature teacher at a high school. One day, she scolds a male student, Usami Rento, for wearing perfume to school. However, she later finds out that the sweet scent isn’t from perfume but from incense that’s soaked into the kimono he wears, for Usami Rento is actually a famous kabuki actor playing female roles. Erika watches a performance of Usami’s out of curiosity, and finds herself gradually drawn to this strange student…
Dây Tơ Hồng Định Mện / hel hilo rojo del destino / The Red String of Fate / В заключении красной нити судьбы / 紅線的緩期執行 / 红线的缓期执行 / 赤い糸の執行猶予 / 붉은실의 집행유예
Etudiant au collège, Keiji possède le talent douteux de pouvoir voir la chaîne rouge du destin. Un jour, il remarque soudainement un fil rouge noué à son propre doigt! Il est intrigué en le voyant et suit immédiatement le fil, mais le fil mène à son propre kouhai appelé Hiro !! ... "Mon âme sœur est un mec!?"

Akai Ringo

Akairingo -  Red Apple -  التفاحة الحمراء -  سێوى سور -  アカイリンゴ -  禁果(ムラタコウジ)
Le Japon de l'ère Reiwa XX, où l'activité sexuelle est illégale. Hikaru Inuta, un étudiant d'honneur dont le père est le directeur de la Division de l'application des lois sexuelles du ministère de la Santé, du Travail et des Affaires sociales, est témoin d'un événement choquant dans un club qu'il visite pour la première fois avec son amie. Il y a beaucoup de gens qui aiment le sexe avec beaucoup d'alcool et de musique ! Et parmi eux, l'idole préférée d'Inuta, Misora. Devant ce spectacle insolite, une pulsion qu'il n'a jamais ressentie parcourt le corps d'Inuta ! ! !
Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka -  Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka -  AkaSaka -  The Hill Dyed in Madder Red -  あかね色に染まる坂 -  染成茜色的坂道 -  染成茜色的阪道 -  染紅的街道 -  染红的街道 -  노을빛으로 물드는 언덕
In order to protect the girl Yuuhi Katagiri, a new transfer student, ...from danger, Junichi Nagase is forced to kiss her. Not understanding what happens, she screams at him, not knowing that her father has arranged for her to marry him.
茜色ショー・タイム, Crimson Show Time
Akane Nonomura is a 1st year student in high school with a loud voice, body, and dreams. One day, Akane cried while reading a line from a script she accidentally received with an invitation from Kazuma to join the drama club. Now, she takes the stage as the lead in the play...!
Akari and He Are Enviousあかりと彼はなやましい
Pouvez-vous, un homme hétéro, tomber amoureux de moi ?Ses deux amis (hétérosexuels) se sont réunis. Le lycéen ouvertement gay Akari est en quelque sorte mécontent de cela.Est-ce l'envie ? Ou est-ce la jalousie ? ........Que se passe-t-il.Un jour, je trouverai certainement "quelqu'un à aimer" aussi... !Après s'être rendu avec enthousiasme dans un bar gay, celui qu'il rencontre là-bas est un adulte irritant brandissant un argument juste... ! ?Spin off de la bande dessinée pixiv largement parlé "Mikami à Sato wa Mada Yamashikunai" !
あかるい家族計画, Cheerful Family Plan
A cute story about Honoka and the guys she has to live with (a pair of twins in kindergarten, a junior high student, a high school student, a college student) as well as the other guys she meets in school. Honoka is generally a sweet, naive girl which draws an assortment of guys who instinctively want to protect her and maybe become her boyfriend... ^^;
あかるい家族計画 (もろづみすみとも) -  Merry Family Plan
Typical school boy Shibutani has always had trouble staying interested in his girlfriends, but when mild-mannered Yoshizumi transfers to his class, his interest is strangely piqued. As Shibutani tries to get to know his new classmate, he finds Yoshizumi to be awkward and even hostile. Other delightfully-crafted stories include a high school boy with a bizarre mask fetish deeply in lust with his dentist; a boyfriend's jealously over the close relationship between his lover and a best friend; and a couple who are overtly pouting over who should be on top in the bedroom.
Cheerful Amnesia -  Bright and Cheery Amnesia -  明るい記憶喪失
La petite amie de Mari, Arisa, perd ses souvenirs des trois dernières années, y compris tous les souvenirs de leur vie ensemble. Cependant, il s'avère que d'être folle amoureuse de quelqu'un transcende tous les domaines de possibilité.
AKB0048 Episode 0, AKB0048: Episode 0
Set in the same universe as the AKB0048 anime. Star Calendar, Year 41. Hoshina Furea is a student at the AKB Academy, training to be a legacy member of AKB0048 with her best friend, Noa. It seems that Furea doesn't have any confidence, but then she is chosen as...???
明日ちゃんのセーラー服; Akebi's Sailor Uniform; Akebi-chan no Serafuku
Akebi Komichi vit à la campagne avec sa famille. Elle a gagné de pouvoir entrée au prestigieux lycée pour filles “Roubai Academy”. Maintenant elle ne veut que deux choses : porter l’uniforme marin de l’école et se faire une centaine d’amis !
Akebi-chan’s Sailor Uniform ; 明日ちゃんのセーラー服; Akebi's Sailor Uniform; Akebi-chan no Serafuku
Akebi Komichi vit à la campagne avec sa famille. Elle a gagné de pouvoir entrer au prestigieux lycée pour filles "Roubai Academy". Maintenant elle ne veut que deux choses : porter l'uniforme marin de l'école et se faire une centaine d'amis !
아케미아 아카데미
The group Akemia founded the most prestigious school: Akemia Academy. This is the story of the alchemists there.
あきいろ ぼうそう びより, 秋色妄想日和, Autumn weather obsession
Aki is head over heels in love with a classmate but doesn't know how to confess.
Empty Can! Пустая банка อากิแคน アキカン! 空罐少女! 아키칸
The "yankee" (delinquent) manga follows Akira the No. 2, a boy in high school that is full of students with disciplinary issues. The story follows the battles within the student body for the alpha male position.
Akira Azuma is a tall, attractive, but aloof Kusunoki High School freshman girl and all-around athlete. Hiyori Motohashi is a short Kusunoki freshman girl in the school's broadcasting club. While trying to set up coverage on Akira, Hiyori finds herself attracted to Akira's mysterious charm.
Spin-off de Himouto! Umaru-chan à propos de l'amie d'Umaru, Ebina


Akiyama kun
Lorsque Shiba Daisuke se confesse à son délinquant de classe supérieure Akiyama-kun devant tous les amis d'Akiyama, se faire battre et ridiculiser serait peut-être compréhensible. Mais les événements qui suivent sont loin de correspondre à ce que l'on pourrait attendre d'eux. Vol. 1-2 Comprend un supplément sur l'ami d'Akiyama-kun, Sano Tomomi.
Because of her fathers job, Aki was raised in England. So when she moved back to Japan she was teased horribly for being "foreign". Now Aki is also a very beautiful young woman, which makes it even harder to make friends and be accepted. After the coolest boy at school starts taking an interest in her, things only get worse. As jealous girls start to harass her, Aki shows a side of herself that even she didn't know about.
Akuma de Koishiyou -  I'll fall in love with devil -  あくまで恋しよう
Sena est le garçon le plus populaire du lycée et il ne laisse personne indifférent -y compris la meilleure amie de Minami. Malgré son rejet suite à sa déclaration d'amour, celle-ci continue d'idolâtrer Sena au point d'éveiller l'attention de Minami. Tout basculera cependant lorsque Minami fera une terrible découverte à son sujet...
Ever since she was young, Rinko has always been labelled as a -Ohito yoshi baka- by everyone except for a young boy, Itsuki. Since then, Rinko has always had strong feelings for Itsuki but will he ever be like that angel-like person she meet as a child or stay as the Akuma she has now gotten used to?
High school is difficult for most kids. But for Kayano, a shy girl whose single mother seems to work all the time, it's even worse than usual. She's so afraid of drawing attention to herself that she can't tell the handsome Kamijo how much she loves him-until one day she finally gets up the courage to write him a letter confessing her feelings. But her plans go awry when the letter falls into the hands of the school's most notorious students, Edogawa Takeru. To Kayano, Takeru seems to be Satan himself. Not only is he devilishly handsome, he is the son of the school's principal. To make things worse, her mother comes home to announce she's getting married -- to principal Edogawa! Now Kayano will have to live with this devil Takeru 24/7! How will she cope with This literal "living hell"? 
Ruiji est secrètement amoureux de Wakatsuki. Mais comment peut-il déclarer son amour alors qu'elle est morte de peur à chaque fois qu'elle rencontre ses yeux ?
Ashiwara Iroha has a crush on Suzuki-san. In order to make him like her, she climbs up a tree to try to touch the legendary mark at their school. He is supposed to fall in love with her if she does, but instead of touching the mark she falls from the tree and into Shindou Kaname s arms. He tells her leave Suzuki to me and becomes her devilish cupid...
Histoire 01 - Osawa Seri est une fille en première année de lycée en train de s'enfuir car elle a accidentellement provoqué des garçons. C'est pendant sa fuite qu'elle rencontre KUROHARA Gaku, surnommé le "Démon". Dans un concours de circonstance, Seri se retrouve à jouer l'esclave de ce dernier. Mais que va-t-il arriver à cette pauvre fille ? Histoire 04 - Tsubasa est une jeune fille qui n'a jamais eu beaucoup de chance. Un jour alors qu'elle devait aller voir un spectacle de magie, elle perd accidentellement son ticket. Elle décide alors d'y entrer d'une autre manière. C'est alors qu'elle se retrouve nez à nez avec Daita, le magicien masqué et de plus, elle voit son visage...
悪魔なクチビル, 诱人的恶魔之吻, Devilish Lips
1. Akuma na KuchibiruHana Yamada, a high school girl, gets sick during a mixer, and is rescued by a very cool male student, who was casually passing by. However, when he suddenly asks her if she's an elementary student, Hana becomes very angry and kicks him, before running away. The next day, when Hana goes to the nurse's office, she finds none other than the very boy who'd made her angry, Shuuji Kidou...2. Shoakuma Drops3. Eien no Hidamari4. Katekyo5. Motto Agetai?!Atogaki (Omake)
アクマのいけにえ, 恶魔的祭品, Devil's Sacrifice