When the Chemistry teacher secretly practices witchcraft at normal school, many things can go wrong! Fuyumi Renji realises this as Kirise Ririka somehow walks through all his magic barriers and interrupts his spellcasting! How could a normal high school girl ever be able to do this?YenPress announced on July 4th at AX2019 they will be doing this series.https://yenpress.com/2019/07/new-yen-press-licenses-announced-at-ax2019/
Mari vient d'être acceptée dans le célèbre lycée Wistalia, un établissement qui réunit tous les fils des maniaques de l'industrie ou de célébrités. Mais dès son arrivée, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Affublée du titre de Princesse, elle doit désigner celui qui obtiendra le rang de King et régnera sur le lycée. Une lourde tâche que Mari ne se sent pas en droit d'accepter. La jeune fille prend la fuite et c'est là que les ennuis commencent...
Hana and her Husband, Ryuuki, are keeping a secret. You see, Ryuuki is living a double life. On one side he is a teacher at an all girls school; messy hair, thick glasses, and all. Then on the other hand he is a famous male model that make girls shriek at just one look at him. Can Hana and Ryuuki keep their secret while still keeping their love alive?
Le jeune Taeyong, qu'il a rencontré au club de théâtre, croit profondément aux superstitions coréennes (?) Il crée des situations inhabituelles où il se retrouve toujours mêlé à Seonho.
Des choses étranges apparaissent du ciel, et le monde se meurt lentement. En Corée, il n'y a pas assez d'hommes militaires pour combattre ces ennemis, et les lycéens et les étudiants n'ont pas d'autre choix que de se joindre à l'armée et d'aider les autres à survivre - au risque de leur propre vie.
Comme beaucoup d'établissement scolaire au Japon, le lycée de Rin Fujiwara, élève timide et réservé, interdit le port de maquillage et toute autre extravagance.Mais une légende court... pose la carte papillon sur le tableau de l'école, et la mystérieuse Ageha apparaîtra pour t'offrir le plus parfait des maquillages.C'est ainsi que depuis des années, elle apprend aux filles à avoir confiance en elles et en leurs capacités, une leçon qu'elle appliquée d'ailleurs à elle-même en se maquillant.Mais quand le secret d'Ageha est percé à jour par le garçon le plus populaire de l'école, son avenir est menacé ... ou peut-être pas car le garçon semble plutôt vouloir la regarder.La naissance de ce duo de choc va permettre à Ageha de continuer sa mission envers toutes les adolescentes de ce lycée, mais également de se découvrir elle-même.
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire, devenir un couple d'amoureux ? Confesser son amour, des rapports sexuels, est-ce que seulement cela fait de nous des amants ? Quand le sentiment d'amour est-il devenu un luxe avide ?Une publication spéciale, "sentiments naissants" et plus, dans cette compilation remplie d'histoires d'amour romantiques.
Total of 2 volumes, separated into 3 parts: I. Agreement of the Glass Shoe. II. Dolls Music Staff. III. White Night Fantasia. The 3 parts are linked by a pair of marbles with glass shoes embedded in them.
Souka and her recently divorced mother move to a new place to start over. In looking for a school to enroll in, Souka decides to leave her preppy, private high school behind and transfers into a technical high school. To her surprise, she's the only girl student in the entire school! The first day of school is nothing like she ever imagined -- boys crashing through the window, fighting for all they are worth. One day, the school's current "Bancho" (a term for a gang leader) ambushes Souka. Determined to protect her, Yu, one of the classmates, comes to her rescue, but Yu ends up in a struggle. Trying to help, Souka swings her book bag and ends up taking down the Bancho herself! What Souka didn't know was that when someone takes down the class' leader, you became the leader of that class. This wasn't a role she was expecting for herself, but will she be able to relinquish it?
Aharen Akıl Almaz BiriAharen-san Is IndecipherableAharen-san is UnfathomableAharen-san è indecifrabileAharensan wa HakarenaiAnlaşılmaz Aharen-sanHindi ko Matantiya si AharenНепостижимая Ахарэн-сан测不准的阿波连同学測不准的阿波連同學阿波連さんははかれない아하렌 양은 알 수 없어
Une comédie sur de Matsuboshi Raidou-kun et de sa voisine Aharen Reina-san, qui a du mal à déterminer de quelle manière elle doit approcher les autres. Rapprochez-vous de la silencieuse et énigmatique Aharen-san !
Can happiness be found in the delicate balance between passion and love? Twins Shun and Shu have had no luck in love. However, a chance encounter reunites former lovers Shu and Naomichi after their breakup of three years ago. While the two had a budding relationship in the past, things fell apart and they went their separate ways. Now, fate brings them back together once again. Could it be that relationship that they once shared in the past is what they have been looking for all along? Can they both find the meaning of real love?[b]Includes story, 2 chapters long, called [i]Love Star[/i].[/b]
Hitoshi Kobe is a terrible student and an even worse athlete ... though he does have an incredible talent for creating Artificial Intelligence programs. Thirty is his best artificial intelligence program yet -- and, more important, the only girl who will talk to him. Hitoshi's life is forever changed when a freak accident brings Thirty to life ...
Toujou Souko attends a Catholic high school for girls and spends most of her days ditching class and trying to hook up with guys. She's in a hurry to fall in love and often gets into trouble. Ueda-sensei is Souko's homeroom teacher and all the girls idolize him on campus. He thinks Souko's a good kid and is looking out for her best interests... Yet he never meant to encourage to her to try and seduce him... What begins as a passionate affair becomes a true and undying love... Ai Girl is an angsty love story loaded with melodrama. It should be noted that this series has adult themes and high smut content.
Sakura Ai has always loved sunflowers, as they appear like the sun, which incidentally also was the name of her first crush, Taiyou, in the 3rd grade. From since then, Ai has never had another love and has also become quite introverted, but after meeting a guy with the same name, something’s will begin to change… Her 15th summer, finally love will begin~ Ai is a High-School student in the first year and she loves sunflowers. There is a boy calles Taiyou (sun) and when they were in the elememtary school he called her O-baa-chan, which means grandma. One day, they came closer, What will happen to them?
Maeda Hachibei is unlike most guys, who lust after gorgeous girls. This pervert lusts after their discrete parts, instead. When he moves to Tokyo to attend school, he finds himself living in a dormitory with five girls, each of which possesses one of the ideal physical features he desires: gorgeous blue eyes, bullet-train breasts, a deep dulcet voice, straight “anime-esque” legs, or a waistline shaped like fine Japanese pottery. How can he manage to keep his wits when surrounded by these women? If you think this sounds like a Love Hina clone, you wouldn’t be entirely incorrect… but Hachibei isn’t Keitaro.
From Bakeneko Scanlations: Because of his father’s job transfer, Sakura had to transfer schools. The person who was waiting there was someone who holds the title student president, a huge sadist “demon”! From the moment they met, Sakura had been locked on as his target of love, having his body stolen, rudely stole him entirely. On top of that, the demon Masaomi’s father is the president of Sakura’s father’s job… in other words there is no escape!!!
1-3) Qu'est-ce que l'amour ? Kojima, le vice-président du corps étudiant, s'efforce toujours d'être le numéro un de l'école. Il s'entend normalement avec l'insouciante Kurata... jusqu'au jour où Kojima craque et force Kurata à faire l'amour avec lui. Alors commence leur relation S&M ou est-ce de l'amour...?4-6) Vous êtes le PireHiroto et les parents de Kota se sont soudainement mariés et le couple est obligé de jouer gentiment et d'être les frères parfaits l'un pour l'autre, mais cela va-t-il vraiment marcher ? 7) Give it All to LoveKaji parle de son type.8) XAnother omake.9) Postface
Senoo Kaoru tombe amoureux d'un attirant étudiant de première année, Shinohara Akira, qu'il rencontre à la bibliothèque. Souya est incapable de laisser aller les souvenirs de sa bien-aimée et Akira est un garçon solitaire affamé d'amour. Peu importe à quel point ils la désirent, ces sentiments déchirants leurs coeur ne peuvent jamais être rétribués. Un mystérieux passé les lie, et la vérité choquante sera révélée à la fin. Quel sort attend ces bêtes affamées d'amour ?
Because Shinjo Mayu stopped her job relationship with Shogakukan, she continued her incomplete manga in Asuka and called it Ai Ore! This can be considered a continuation of Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero! or even as a second series.When Akira announces he was a boy in the first book "Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero" so does the fact Akira goes to Dankaisan the boys school next to St. Nobora (Mizuki's school) Things start to get rough when pressure against Mizuki dating a boy from that school rise.
Because the way people have a high interest in "sex," a sex school was formed in order to fulfill the students' desires and help them become more advanced in their skills. Ion, in order to help pay off the debts in his family, has enrolled in the school, hoping to gain knowledge and sell out his body in the future to gain money. But Ion gains more than just "knowledge" in the sex industry, and he starts to fall for his Instructor Asagi... but love is strictly banned from the school...
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