
A White Summer, 白い夏
Follow the friendship of Tetsu and Gorou from the Koushien to adulthood.
Adolescent Indiscretion
From Blissful Sin: Taishou has complicated feelings toward another member of his high school swim team, Captain Kido Akiharu. A decent yet unimpressive swimmer, Taishou is often aggravated by Akiharu’s calm and composed attitude. So, what is Taishou to do when Akiharu corners him in the locker room?!
Toshihiko Tanaka is a boy who entered Kakegawa High School with his friends Kenji & Kazuhiro, in order to play soccer with Yoshiharu Kubo, a great soccer player whom they have idolized. While his other two friends were reluctant to play again, "Toshi" eventually convinces them to play for the team. The team soon find themselves in the midst of a quest to the All-Japan High School Championship, while overcoming obstacles along the way.
ショートプログラム, ショート・プログラム ガールズタイプ, Shōto Puroguramu, Short Program - Girl's Type
This collection, titled simply Short Program, collected stories by Adachi published between 1985 and now.
Puniko is a manager for the basketball club. She has always been self-conscious about her weight. Puniko believed that she had no chance to fall in love... until Shou-kun, the basketball team's diminutive yet popular ace, confesses to her. Can Pinuko really find love at last? Is such a love even possible?
勝負は時の・・・運だろ? -  Shoubu wa Toki no Un Daro -  Shoubu wa Toki no Un Daro?
From Possible Soup: Hokuto is a first year student at a famous athletic school... however, he doesn't happen to play any sports due an anxiety problem that he had developed. Now, after being pressured by his friend Yuri, he has become the manager of the basketball club. Strange things start to develop as he gets harassed by some of his senpais and begins to battle some demons...
少年疾駆 -  Shonen Shikku
Haruki Ootori, Misaki FC's untouchable ace, poured all his passion into looking cool. However, transfer student Kaoru Jinmyou beat him hollow at soccer, his specialty. Having met his first defeat, Haruki challenges Kaoru to a rematch, and...!?


Shoodan!; Koganeiro -  シューダン; Shuudan
L'histoire se concentre sur le Hamanishi FC, club de football d'école primaire. Malgré des résultats peu concluants, l'équipe semble constituée de plusieurs diamants bruts. Soshi est très rapide, Roku semble être un super leader et Akira, la seule fille de l'équipe, semble douée à tous les niveaux.
修羅の門異伝 ふでかげ
Saki Shinohayu -  Shinohayu -  Shinohayu: The Dawn of Age -  Side Story of - Saki - Shinohayu the Dawn of Age -  Side story of -Saki-: Shinohayu the Dawn of A
SK∞ エスケーエイト コミック
Au Japon, il existe une course mythique et secrète, baptisée "S", au cours de laquelle les meilleurs skateurs s'affrontent.
Sk8 Chill Out, Sk8 エスケーエイト チルアウト!
Le spinoff comédie de l'anime complétement barré : SK8 The Infinity.
Skeeter Rabbit!!スキーターらびっと!!
Usa Ayano est une collégienne qui est mauvaise en sport. Un jour en cours de gym, elle voit une autre fille de son âge, Hoshika Chika, une étudiante transférée qui avait du mal avec une leçon de danse comme si ça ne l'intéressait pas. Ayano, intriguée par cette mystérieuse Chika essaya d'approcher cette nouvelle, mais se fit repousser. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle découvre le secret de Chika.
Goshu Wushuang Непревзойдённое боевое искусство 国术无双
Hanamichi Sakuragi is a delinquent who has never had any luck with girls. However, when he meets Haruko Akagi, he is sure that she's the one for him. Haruko is a big basketball fan and notices his potential as a basketball player (due to his immense height). Hoping to win her heart, Hanamichi earnestly tries out for the basketball team. Does this complete newbie have what it takes to even join the team? 
スマッシュ1 -  天才网球少女
Nagahara Miu is the former genius tennis player who quit playing four years ago. Miu, who is forced to play a doubles team match with Issei, whom she met at school, once again stands at the court...?!

Smoky B.B.

Enjirou est un joueur de Basball talentueux, mais il a dû arrêter à cause d'une dette de 100 millions de yens. La famille de Komado gère le collège Benten mais l'école est au bord de la banqueroute et pour une étrange raison, le seul moyen de la sauver est de gagner le tournoi national de Baseball du Koshien d'été. Voyant Enjirou comme leur sauveur, Komado offre de le payer 100 millions de yens s'il rejoint l'équipe de baseball du collège et lui fait gagner le tournoi.
Soccer Girl Kaede -  サッカー少女 楓
Manga based on the life of Homare Sawa, the captain of Japan's 2011 World Cup winning women's soccer team. The heroine, Kaede, is modeled after Sawa and follows her from her school years, when she dreams of winning medals at the World Cup and Olympics. She makes friends through the sport and, despite setbacks, never gives up on her ambitions.
そふてにっ, 迷糊软网社, Softenni!
This tennis comedy centers around the members of a female middle school soft tennis team and the twists and turns that their lives take as they aim for the national tournament!
そふてにっ -  Softenni -  Softenni! -  Sofu Teni
This tennis comedy centers around the members of a female middle school soft tennis team and the twists and turns that their lives take as they aim for the national tournament!
MakoMeshi Someya Mako no Jansou Meshi

Sorairo Ageha

A Sky-Colored Swallowtail; Sky-Blue Ageha; Sora Iro Ageha
Quand elle était petite, Ageha parti voir un entrainement de tennis. Un peu plus loin, elle vit un match de tennis et décida de le regarder, et elle tomba sous le charme de ce jeune garçon passionné par son match de tennis. Quelques années plus tard, Ageha arrive au lycée en étant bien décidé à recréer le club de tennis du lycée, arrivé dans sa classe Ageha s'aperçoit que le garçon à côté d'elle n'est personne d'autre que Takeru, le jeune garçon qui jouait au tennis. Elle décide d'en profiter pour lui proposer de participer au club de tennis avec elle. Mais il s'énerve, refuse et lui dit qu'il a abandonné le tennis. Mais à force de voir Ageha, s'acharner pour faire remettre remettre correctement le terrain de tennis, il cède et accepte l'entrainer. Est-ce le début d'une nouvelle histoire d'amour sur le terrain ?
Sporting Salt -Shioya no Kaibougaku- -  SPORTING SALT-塩谷の解剖学-
Shioya really likes to help sportsmen, to the point that he is weirdly fascinated by them. He has a dream of becoming best sports doctor in the world, and he is already quite good at it even though he is still in high school.

Sports Girl

Hook your favorite sport!
Une femme en sueur est une belle femme ! Arts martiaux, natation, cyclisme, athlétisme... Les filles qui font de l'exercice sont sexy.
A professional baseball manga by Harold Sakuishi, the author of Beck.Taiko Busujima is a powerful young pitcher looking to make it into the Japanese big leagues, but what he didn't count on was being signed to the Keihin Athletics, the cheapest and worst team in the league. Can he help turn the Athletics around and (gasp) win the pennant?A gripping, edge-of-your-seat story loaded with Sakuishi's brand of wacky humor.
ストライプブルー -  Sutoraipu Buruー
Taken from ryColaa Scanlations: Meet Abo Ozawa, ace pitcher. He can’t seem to make up his mind, on or off the baseball diamond. Off the field, he finds himself pulled in either direction by two lifelong friends. On one hand, there is the cute-but-fiery Hana Eguchi, who’s also an ace pitcher, even more famous, and constantly assaulted by reporters and talent scouts. There’s just no controlling this girl. On the other hand, there is the cute-but-controlled Noriko “Norippe” Asai. The third member of the trio, she finds herself overshadowed by her two friends. As events unfold, will he be able to choose between them? But Abo’s mind is on baseball, and he doesn’t have time to deal with these problems. Or does he? On the pitcher’s mound, on the one hand, his left arm has the control to put the ball right where he wants to with absolutely perfect precision. And on the other hand, his right arm is a powerful uncontrolled monster that flails fireballs at the plate too fast to see. Which glove should he wear? On or off the field, he is faced with the decision: right vs. left? In the end, will he be able to choose?
Dance Subaru
Subaru est une petite fille. Mais contrairement aux autres enfants de son âge, elle prend rarement le temps de jouer. A la fin de ses cours, elle se rend à l'hôpital où elle retrouve son frère, atteint d'une tumeur au cerveau. Chaque jour, la petite Subaru danse pour redonner le sourire à son frère jumeau. Mais très vite, la danse va prendre une importance primordiale dans la vie de la petite fille. Elle lui permet d´extérioriser tout son mal-être. Les bases de l´histoire posée, on retrouve une Subaru qui a bien grandi. Désormais adolescente, elle ne jure plus que par la danse et espère un jour devenir professionnelle. Mais la route est encore longue...