
Talks about a young man that used to be nothing. One day he was fortunate enough to see an inspiring event happen, which will change the lives of him and other witnesses
마운드 위의 절대자
キン肉マン, Muscle Man, Ultimate Muscle
キン肉マン2世 -  キン肉マンII世 -  Kinnikuman II Sei -  Kinnikuman 2 -  Kinnikuman II -  Muscle Man 2 -  Ultimate Muscle


-  Kizuna: Bonds of Love
From Be Beautiful: Three's a crowd. Ranmaru and Kei have a strong and passionate relationship built on years of trust, sacrifice and love. When the mysterious son of a Yakuza boss starts to have designs on Ranmaru's affection, tempers flare, and hidden emotions rise to the surface. Will Ranmaru and Kei's love for each other be able to survive this difficult test, or will the emotional conflict finally come to a head?
Tea for Two -  The Etiquette of Tea -  Teatime Lovin' -  Koicha no Osahou -  コイ茶のお作法
Tokumaru aime le sport; mais sa soeur le force à intégrer le club de cérémonie du thé de son établissement, où officie la coqueluche de ces demoiselles et futur maître du thé : Hasune Kazuma. Mais son intégration n'est pas aussi facile qu'il l'aurait crû, car le 'Koi Cha' (l'étiquette du thé) demande beaucoup de rigueur et... d'aimer le thé.Par malheur, Tokumaru casse une précieuse tasse d'Hasune qu'il avait hérité de son grand père. Hasune lui propose de rembourser la tasse d'une manière peu commune...
恋する・救急箱, 恋する救急箱, 热恋急救箱, Koi suru Kyukyu Bako, Koi suru Kyukyubako
Momo never cared about guys. She was always a jock with a spectacular throwing/catching arm. One day, however, at the start of a new term, she meets a guy who throws her off her feet. He's part of the baseball team and to get close to him, she joins the cheerleading team in hopes of cheering him on at his baseball games. After a series of event she wants to join the female baseball team but she's stuck with the cheerleading team. Who knew the cheerleading team was full of surprises.....
From Shoujo-Sense: When first year Rikako stumbles upon a senpai in the school's archery range, she finds herself entranced. She decides, on the spot, to join the archery club in order to chase that feeling and meet him again. Except, as it turns out, she's not the only first-year girl with that idea... Can Rikako win him over with her earnestness, or will her ulterior motive be discovered?
Un jeune homme , sur le point de se faire renverser par un camion est poussé sur le côté , et se cogne contre un poteau.Suite à cet accident il perd la mémoire. Ne connaissant pas son identité , il est obligé de rester à la résidence de son sauveur , un gymnase et un internat pour lutteuses , jusqu'à que sa mémoire revienne ... Durant son séjour il devient le serviteur de son sauveur et l'arbitre du club de catch ( lutte)
 On his first day of transferring to a new high school, a loner named Mori Buntarou, is cajoled by a classmate into climbing the school building. Despite knowing that one misstep could send him spiraling to his death, he moves forward, and upon finally reaching the top, Mori experiences a sense of fulfillment. That feeling, which seems to be telling him, "You're alive!" gives birth to an adrenaline for rock-climbing.
棋响少女 -  駒ひびき -  Piece Echo
With the passing of the her grandfather the Eisei Meijin whom she’d spend most of her childhood together, Ayumi lost sight of her goal. On the other side, Erika who’s aiming to become a pro at Shogi to pay the dept her father left with them after running away. Right after entering high school the two meet at the on thing they shared in common, the Shogi Club. Find out how their story unfolds as they go through life centered around Shogi!
Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life -  Sounds of Life -  Stop at This Sound! -  Stop This Sound! -  Задержите этот звук! -  この音とまれ! -  一弦定音! - 
Depuis la remise des diplômes aux membres seniors du club, Takezou est devenu le seul membre du club "Koto" (instrument à cordes traditionnel japonais). Maintenant que la nouvelle année scolaire a commencé, Takezou devra chercher de nouveaux membres dans le club, ou le club sera dissous. De nulle part, un nouveau membre fait irruption dans la salle du club presque abandonnée, demandant à rejoindre le club. Comment Takezou pourra-t-il maintenir son club en vie et faire face à ce coquin de nouveau membre ?
氷のキスでとろけたい, 热吻圆舞曲, I Want to Melt with a Gelid Kiss, I Want to Melt with a Ice Kiss, I Want to Melt with Ice's Kiss, Misu no Kiss De Toroteki, Red Lip
Sugimura Nozomi made a pact with her childhood friend Hyoudo Rei who both have a passion for ice-skating that when they grow up, they will both pair up to get into the Olympics. But then Rei moves away.Years later, Nozomi transfers to a school famous for its students' emphasis on ice skating. There she unexpectantly meets up with Rei only to find him indifferent to ice skating. But Nozomi will not give up on her dream even if Rei has and she's determined to make it to the school ice-skating club and bring Rei with her as her partner.Includes two oneshots, Red Lips' Trap and Super Prince.
高校球児 ザワさん, Koukou Kyuji Zawa-san, School Baseball's Mr. Zawa
Miyakozawa Risa, known as Zawa-san, is a member of Nissen High School's prestigious baseball club, but she's a girl... She trains and practices hard knowing she'll never be allowed to play in a real game.A quirky manga, focused more on the characters around Zawa-san reacting to her rather than baseball heroics or high school romance.Nominated for the 3rd Manga Taisho Award (2010).
高校鉄拳伝タフ, High School Exciting Story: TOUGH, High School Iron Fist Legend: TOUGH, Koko Tekken-den TOUGH, Koukou Tekken-den TOUGH, The Legend of the Hig
Nobody enjoys a good fight more than "Kiibo" Miyazawa, a high school student whose father is training him in the family's secret martial art. Kiibo dreams of becoming the next Bruce Lee, but his awesome fighting skills may soon surpass his idol's
海月のうた -  Song of the Jellyfish -  Le chant de la méduse


Hiroto Kurogane est au lycée, c'est un 1er de sa classe mais il est nul en sport. Né avec un corps faible, il n'a aucune endurance, vitesse, ou force. Mais le souhait d'Hiroto c'est de devenir un héros. Le destin le taquine en lui donnant une vue phénoménale, qui lui permetrait d'être bon dans certain sport, mais le problème c'est que son corps ne suit pas. Il apprend de son ami Tsubame Shiratori, qui veut le recruter dans l’équipe de Kendo, une rumeur qui parle d'un fantôme nommé Sayuri Tôjô, qui, armée d'un katana, hante une allée dans la ville. A demi curieux, Hiroto y va et constate que le fantôme est bien réel et que Sayuri cherche un successeur depuis 150 ans. Sayuri est un fantôme de l'époque Edo. Elle maitrise le style 'Sakura' à l'aide de son épée. Après un petit affrontement Sayuri décide de choisir Hiroto comme son successeur après qu'il est eu la capacité d'esquiver son attaque. Ensuite Sayuri le force a apprendre le style 'Sakura'. Mais même avec l'aide de la fine lame antique qu'est le fantôme, Hiroto doit surmonter ses faibles compétences de son corps pour être le héros qu'il a toujours voulu.
クロガネ -  迟到的黑铁 -  黑鐵 -  黑铁 -  Kurogane (IKEZAWA Haruto)
Kurogane Hiroto is in high school, where he is academically the top of his class but literally the worst in physical activity. Born with a weak body, he has no endurance, speed nor strength and Hiroto wants nothing more than to be a hero. Fate teases him by giving him phenomenal eye sight, which allows him to see well beyond anyone else in sports, but his body is not able to react to any of it. He learns from his friend Shiratori, who wants to recruit him for the Kendo team, about a rumor about a ghost named Tojo Sayuri, who wields a katana and haunts an ally in the city. Half curious, Hiroto goes there only to find that the ghost is real and that Tojo Sayuri has been looking for a successor to her Sakura sword style for 150 years. Sayuri chooses him as the successor after being able to dodge her attack and forces him to learn the Sakura style. Even with the help of the ancient swordsman ghost, Hiroto has to overcome his poor motor skills in order to be the hero he always wanted to be.
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as -The Generation of Miracles-, and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team?
黒子のバスケ EXTRA GAME -  Kuroko no Basket - Extra Game -  Kuroko's Basketball - Extra Game -  The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays - Extra Game
Kuroko no Basket dj - Kimi o Suki ni Naru Boku e -  Kuroko no Basket dj - To the Me that Came to Love You
Pairing : Takao x Midorima
キュウマ! -  Kyuma! -  Ninja Baseball Kyuma!
Kaoru’s baseball team is in need of a miracle. They’re facing a rematch with a tough group of sixth graders, and if they don’t win this time, then they’ll forfeit their right to the practice field. Luckily, teammate Yohko’s crystal ball shows them that their savoir lives in the mountains that surround their town. When Kaoru makes the journey to the mountains, he discovers a young ninja named Kyuma, who lives alone and trains with his ninja dog, Inui. With Kyuma’s skills, the team might have a chance to win, but only if Kaoru can teach Kyuma the basics of baseball, and fast!
A story of baseball and summer blues.
てつや じゃんせいとよばれたおとこ, 哲也 雀聖と呼ばれた男, 哲也 ―雀聖と呼ばれた男―, Legendary Gambler Tetsuya, Tetsuya (HOSHINO Yasushi)
Based on the life of a famous Mahjong Novelist, Asada Tetsuya, this manga chronicles the history of the man who is now known as the "Mahjong Saint" in his journey through the world of Mahjong and gambling in general.
This is Dakichi Kamiyama. A College Student at Toudai University. He had came back to his home town to attend such a prestigious University. He happened upon a cafe where once stood a great wrestling arena lead by the "Amazoness kitty." Now three daughters remain running it. Yukihyou (Who has taken a sudden interest in him.) Ferris (A rather ditzy young woman.) And Leona (A Tsundere-ish big boobed girl with a rather "Unique" Ability in the wrestling ring.) Join Daikichi "sandbag" Kamiyama as he endures the trails ahead of him with these Bombshells.