
Please Answer Me, My Prince -  답장을 주세요, 왕자님
Cordelia Grey, a 22-year-old novice editor with many aspirations visited an antique shop to receive the manuscript for the sequel to the fairy tale novel, "The Princess and the Knight." But she ends up exchanging letters with Prince Archie, a character from the fairy tale, using a book chest she obtained through a twist of fate. To Cordelia, holding a conversation with a novel protagonist is like something that only happens in fantasies. To Prince Archie, Cordelia's advice is desperately needed, since she knows the future of the his world. The two continue sending letters to each other, not realizing how the summer nights are slipping by...
Blue Seal
Soko starts feeling sick soon after moving to a new city, apparently for no reason. As beautiful as she is, a lot of guys start to bother her, especially Kashi. While trying to rape her, Kashi disappears and after a few days another guy shows up pretending to be Kashi. And everyone but Soko believes him!He tells her he is Akira the Byakko, from the family of the West. Because she is the reincarnation of Souryo, the queen of the Oni from the family of the East, a monster that eats humans to stay alive, he must destroy her and erase her genes from Earth. He is the only one who can kill her and the one that must do so. Soko is desperate. Is she really a monster? Why does she have human memories? Why does she have to die? Will she be able to change her destiny and stay alive? 
Blue Mother -  青の母
Aoi Shiro (KATASE Yu) -  Синий замок - Каэйсё -  アオイシロ -かえいしょう- -  アオイシロ -花影抄- -  アオイシロ 花影抄 -  碧城-花影抄-
Le club de Kendo de l'académie Seijou se déplacepour un camp d'été à Shoushinji un lieu qui se trouve en face d'une île, Urashima où une extermination de démons a eu lieu il y a longtemps.Tout va basculer lorsque le capitaine de l'équipe Osanai Syouko trouve une jeune fille échouée sur la plage...
青山剛昌短編集 -  青山剛昌短編集 4番サード -  The Collected Short Stories of Gosho Aoyama
The original collection of Aoyama's short stories. Ranging from sci-fi to romance, and the right out wacky, these stories are a must read for any fan of his other works! 第1話/探偵ジョージのミニミニ大作戦・名探偵参上! Chapter 1 - Detective George's Mini Huge Cases: Calling on the Great Detective! 第2話/探偵ジョージのミニミニ大作戦・氷の邦の怪物 Chapter 2 - Detective George's Mini Huge Cases: The Monster of the Ice Country 第3話/探偵ジョージのミニミニ大作戦・I AM A DENTIST Chapter 3 - Detective George's Mini Huge Cases: I Am A Dentist 第4話/プレイ イット アゲイン Chapter 4 - Play It Again 第5話/えくすかりばあ Chapter 5 - Excalibur 第6話/夏のサンタクロース Chapter 6 - Santa Claus of the Summer 第7話/ちょっとまってて Chapter 7 - Wait for A Little While 第8話/サンデー19Show-さまよえる赤い蝶- Chapter 8 - The Wandering Red Butterfly Proof that Tell Me A Lie wasn't his only 6 page work, in this one a "detective" must follow clues left by his date to meet her in time.
Aragane no ko. Diamante en bruto -  Child of Ore -  Diamond in the Rough -  アラガネの子 -  荒金之子
In a world revolving around "stones," a mineral craftsman, Akeboshi, encounters a boy living in an underground settlement whose left leg has been petrified solid and is in search of a man with three piercings. What secrets does the boy hold...? The polishing and refining master and student's journey to rescue his family begins!
アルカナ, 神秘事件簿, Arcana Soul, ARCANA神秘事件簿
Murakami and Nakabayashi are just policemen trying to do their jobs. When there is a bomb explosion inside Shuei Primary School, they are asked to do their jobs as policemen and check out the lead. It turns out a doctor from a mental institution called in to warn about the explosion immediately before the bomb went off. And so begins their association with the nameless mental patient whom they would eventually call "Maki."For some reason, Maki can "speak" with spirits. There are spirits all around us, and Maki can communicate with them. These spirits tell Maki about deep dark things... things that go on when no one else is looking...
Une jeune fille, qui ne se rappelle plus de son nom, et qui ne se rappelle de rien sur elle-même arrive a l’hôpital psychiatrique a la suite d'un accident. Elle prétend voir les morts, les entendre, les écouter et leur parler. Deux inspecteurs, Murakami et Nakabayashi sont sur une affaire de bombes et leur piste débouche sur cette jeune fille. Cette fille qui fait ses preuves dans le domaine de la voyance sera alors très utile aux inspecteurs et elle les aidera a résoudre maintes affaires !
아르노의 수도사
Michell is a monk in the city of Maridolsi. As he goes about his daily life, he encounters many interested people as well as intriguing mysteries. Murder, rape... Michell must face the darker side of man to solve these secrets surrounding him.


Jumelles séparées il y a trois ans par le divorce de leurs parents, elles n'ont pas même le droit de se voir, aussi Arisa et Tsubasa échangent-elles des lettres en secret. A 15 ans, Tsubasa est devenue une jeune fille frustrée, que l'on considère presque comme une délinquante garçon manquée alors qu'elle voudrait tellement devenir une "fille mignonne". Arisa lui propose de se revoir en secret et de passer la nuit chez elle. Tsubasa est jalouse, la vie de sa jumelle semble tellement parfaite, un petit ami, des amies, la déléguée, l'intelligence... quand Arisa lui propose de prendre sa place une journée à l'école, Tsubasa saute de joie ! Et passe une journée de rêve dans la peau de sa sœur dont la vie semble effectivement parfaite et sans nuage, jusqu'à son petit ami si différent des garçons qui entourent ordinairement Tsubasa. Le soir, elle rentre avec une lettre qu'elle a trouvé dans son casier, et qui va déclencher toutes une séries d'événements tragiques.
アーク, Ark城堡有鬼
It is a little bit of old story... A family lived in a castle. They were living comfortably there. However, an accident happened. The castle wanted the girl. And, the girl was left in the castle all alone. What fate does the girl trace?
人造少女 -  Artificial Girl -  Artificial Maiden -  Jinzou Shoujo
Un scientifique trouve un cerveau dans une ruelle et l'implante dans le corps de sa bien-aimée, Nina. Il s'avère que le cerveau appartenait à un garçon, Misumi Yutaka, et il n'est pas très heureux de se retrouver dans un corps féminin. Qu'est-il arrivé au corps de Yutaka et pourquoi son cerveau se trouvait-il au milieu d'une ruelle ? Qu'arrivera-t-il à "Nina" lorsque les parties féminines de "son" corps commenceront à avoir un effet sur "son" esprit ? Il vous faudra lire pour le savoir.


あるおすめんて -  アルオスメンテ -  賢者之夢 -  Aruo Sumente -  Sage Dream -  Sage's Dream
Reguna, un des derniers membres d'un clan de voyants en voie d'extinction connu comme les "Oracles", sert de courtisan à un roi puéril et (apparemment) aimé de son pays. Une nuit, un rêve prophétique le prévient d'un danger imminent sur sa Majesté mais il est incapable de discerner la source du problème. Déterminé à protéger le jeune roi, Reguna commence alors une enquête qui l'amène loin dans le royaume où les rêves et les conspirations politiques s'entrelacent...
Ai Li Ya -  艾莉亚 - 
Une histoire courte entre une sorcière et un jeune garçon.
あさこ -  浅子 -  아사코
“Asako” depicts the relationship between an 11-year-old boy living in a seaside fishing village, Masashi Aoshima, and a mysterious beauty, Asako, who came to stay at his guest house from Tokyo.
After undergoing a heart transplant, Haru Inoue begins to see the memories of his new heart's previous owner, Ashley Goeth. Using these memories, Haru begins to uncover the dark secrets of the hospital he is staying in.[Written by DrStupid]
Exilé sur une planète désolée et rude, Ayr passe ses journées à chasser des monstres géants comme source de nourriture. Ensuite, tout change quand un policier vient lui annoncer que son exil a été révoqué. En arrivant à Askr, il apprend que beaucoup de temps s'est écoulé pendant son absence. 100 ans. Tout semble être différent maintenant, mais une question demeure : Pour quelle raison son exil a-t-il été révoqué après cette longue période ? Original Web Comic
Assassins Pride La fierté d'un Assassin Гордость убийцы فخر القاتل アサシンズプライド 어쌔신 스 프라이드
Astral Project -  Astral Project 月の光 -  Astral Project Moonlight
After receiving a call from a mysterious lady called Shindou Yurika, Masaki, the main protagonist, learns that his elder sister died under mysterious circumstances. He obtains a Jazz CD from Yurika and plays it in remembrance of his sister. While listening to it he experiences soul traveling and dives into a, for him unknown, "psyche world". Later on he accidentally meets other souls and tries to find out what actually happened to his sister. Apparently Volume 4 will be the last one.
Ate Ya no Tsubaki -  当て屋の椿 -  Tsubaki the Hope Seller
Housen is a painter of erotic art in the Edo period, who stumbles into a murder mystery involving women who have hooked up with one of his patrons. With the help of Tsubaki, a girl he runs into on the street who seems to know more about him than he does and is an artist herself, they start unraveling mysteries involving sex, murder, and occasionally the occult...
Housen is a painter of erotic art in the Edo period, who stumbles into a murder mystery involving women who have hooked up with one of his patrons. With the help of Tsubaki, a girl he runs into on the street who seems to know more about him than he does and is an artist herself, they start unraveling mysteries involving sex, murder, and occasionally the occult...
シンデレラ 世界一美しい残酷童話, 成人残酷童话, Cinderella Sekaiichi Utsukushii Zankoku Douwa, Shinderera Sekaiichi Utsukushii Zankoku Douwa
A series of classic fairy tales with a dark and delicious twist.1) Cinderella (Ch.01-02)2) Snow White (Ch.03-04)3) The Little Red Riding Hood (Ch.05-?)
アツイヒビ, 寒い日も, 花の跡, Cold Day like Before, Flower’s Marking, Hana no Ato, Hot Days, Nameless Guest., Samui Hi mo
One-shots collection :1- Atsui HibiWhen Kuniyoshi was on his way home, he saw honour student, Ikeda, in the river looking for his notebook. Then, the girl who picked up the notebook, Murozono appears and she has come to know about the ‘murder-plans’ written in it…2- Flower's marking3- Cold days like before 4- Nameless Guest
Automate, 오토마타(AUTOMATA)
L'Aeroplano Di Carta / Paper Air Plane / Paper Airplane / Бумажный самолётик / 纸飛機 / 纸飞机
L'histoire met en scène l'opérateur colonial ROCO143, Jolie, qui trouve un avion en papier flottant dans l'espace. C'est une belle histoire parce que l'avion en papier de la bande dessinée représente les rêves et les visions de l'univers de l'humanité.