

カペタ -  极速方程式
Taira Capeta est un élève de quatrième année de primaire. Il a perdu sa mère quand il était tout petit. Bien qu'il prétende être bien devant son père, en fait, il se sent seul. Un jour, son père ramène des déchets de son travail et en fait un kart. Aussitôt fait, ils vont à un circuit pour conduire le kart. Cependant, Capeta trouve que le châssis est plié et qu'il est dur de conduire droit. Mais, avec sa technique il maîtrise le kart. De plus, il suit le Kart le plus rapide et le laisse rapidement derrière. Le conducteur du Kart est Minamoto Naomoi, le champion de kart junior de l'est du Japon. Ayant vu la poursuite, la mère de naomoi, Minamoto Nanako, conseille à Capeta de prendre part à la course officielle.
昴-スバル- -  舞吧!昴 -  Dance Subaru -  Subaru
A small five-year-old girl named Subaru no longer has time for friends and play. Why is this? Her twin brother Kazuma is dying...and gradually forgetting everything. Even Subaru. And so the girl visits him every day, talking with him and dancing for him, trying to make him remember her. And he always does by the end of the day. Encouraged by a friend to join ballet classes, the girl does so and falls in love with the dance. -Bakaupdates
め組の大吾 -  Firefighter!: Daigo of Fire Company M
Asahina Daigo, a young man fresh out of school and inaugurated into Company "Me," a firefighting unit in an area known for its lack of fires (which gives Company "Me" a slacker image). Daigo is not particularly heroic; he's overly competitive against his rivals, naive, myopic, inexperienced, short-tempered, and is often off in la-la land with a spaced-out expression on his face.
MOON 昴 ソリチュード スタンディング, MOON 舞吧!昴, MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing, Moon
A sequel to Dance! Subaru.After the events of Subaru, the ballet dancer Miyamoto Subaru works in a German ballet company. However, after using pneumonia as an excuse to cancel at the last minute on her company's tour of Japan, she is forced to accept the damage she has done to her professional career. As she struggles with her sense of self-worth, she meets Nico, an amazing, handicapped ballet dancer. Nico lost his vision, in addition to his ballet partner and lover, in a tragic accident. Will Subaru be able to reach out to him, and help him to once again dance with a partner? In doing so, will she be able to find her own place in this world? 
Dance Subaru
Subaru est une petite fille. Mais contrairement aux autres enfants de son âge, elle prend rarement le temps de jouer. A la fin de ses cours, elle se rend à l'hôpital où elle retrouve son frère, atteint d'une tumeur au cerveau. Chaque jour, la petite Subaru danse pour redonner le sourire à son frère jumeau. Mais très vite, la danse va prendre une importance primordiale dans la vie de la petite fille. Elle lui permet d´extérioriser tout son mal-être. Les bases de l´histoire posée, on retrouve une Subaru qui a bien grandi. Désormais adolescente, elle ne jure plus que par la danse et espère un jour devenir professionnelle. Mais la route est encore longue...
テンプリズム -  The Tenth Prism
The story revolves around Tsunashi, the child of royalty who was left behind in the lost kingdom of Karan. He is expected by those around him to awaken his great powers that sleep within him in order to revive the kingdom — but rather than fighting, Tsunan enjoys playing in the world of books. However, he must become serious soon, as a new army is threatening to invade Karan.[ANN]